Dive Into the Submerged Past
The remains of hundreds of communities sit quietly below the waters of reservoirs in the American West and beyond. These places were deliberately moved or eliminated to make way for “river development projects” -- large dams. Help us locate and tell the stories of these drowned towns!
Please note: this website is currently under development. Content and functionality are focused on the Willamette Valley in Oregon, USA.
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Detroit, Oregon Before and After Construction of the Detroit DamBefore: Detroit, ca. 1950, Postcard from the North Santiam Historical SocietyAfter: Detroit, 1953, Photograph by Ben Maxwell
Explore the Map
See the locations of displaced communities and the dams that caused their dislocation. Interact with photographs, oral histories, documents, and other artifacts. Overlay historical maps and aerial imagery to see change over time. Calculate the scope and scale of displacement at different scales, and read historical interpretations about community displacement and dam development.

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